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About Our College

Rameshwar Prasad ITI college will possibly commence its first session this year. Detailed process and Further instructions will be uploaded in the site which will include the dress code , fee structure and counselling session for parents and students with our skilled faculty and staff

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ITI Courses



Diesel Mechanic

ITI Diesel Mechanic is a one-year vocational training programme which teaches the students about various aspects of diesel engine.


ITI Fitter Trade is a two-year-long course.It teaches students about various kinds of fittings within a short period of time. It is a job-oriented programme.


The ITI Electrician is a 2 year course approved by the NCVT (National Council for Vocational Training). The electrician is a tradesman specializing in electrical wiring of buildings, transmission lines, stationary machines, and related equipment.

Health Sanitary

Health Sanitary Inspector is a health hygienic vocational trade. The duration of trade is one year with two semesters of six months each

ITI Trades

Rameshwar Prasad ITI college will offfer 4 ITI trades. Diesel Mechanic , Fitter , Electrical and Health Sanitary.Our main Aim is to Produce highly Skilled Youth who can easily get job in various government opening .Our primary focus is is towards imparting 70% skills and 30% theory. We Have highly Equiped laboratory for Practical Learning of theoretical lessons which our taught by highly trained and expreienced faculty of our campus. Electrical Trade Course in our college build a tradesman specializing in electrical wiring of buildings, transmission lines, stationary machines, and related equipment. Health Sanitary is a job oriented trade ITI trade ,Health Sanitary Inspector is suitable for government job and private job across different fields.Similarly graduating from our college courses like deisel mechanic and fitter gives you plenty of job opportunity to excel in outside world

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Learn the Practical way

General Afternoon Practical Session of Rameshwar Prasad College ITI Skilled faculty With Staff and Teachers

ITI College Administration

Our ITI College includes 30+ members which includes 20+ skilled faculty for the students and around 10 members in Admin team . It also include 5+ helping members .It’s our adminsteration belief that the old proverb “Give a man a fish, he eats for a day; teach him to fish, he eats for a lifetime” has much significance, and its absence in today’s principles has left us with a poorly trained society.Therefore Rameshwar Prasad ITI College students, and staff understand that we are not only in the education business.We believe that a technical career often provides a better salary, working conditions, and self-image, which consequently results in a better life. With this belief, we exist to help men and women attain that better life. ITI employees know that they are making an impact on the quality of life in this community and our state.

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